April 19, 2009

Last '09 Senior

I'm so sad my senior season is over for 2009, but it ended on a great note. Senior A was a fabulous subject, and we had a fun finding new locations. We spent a lot of time in the car, which gave us a chance to get to know each other. Oh, and it was her idea to mix the heels with the soccer ball - love the creativity! I truly loved working with all my '09 girls, and I'm so excited to see who they become...I know each one will be spectacular in her own way! So, on that note - 2010 seniors - you NEED to call and book your session now! Space is filling up and I can't do them all in the spring of your senior year, so we need to start very SOON! Call me at 727-434-4414, or email me at dayinthelifephotos@gmail.com.

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