February 17, 2009

Sweet Dreams

This little guy must have had plenty of them, because he slept like a...ummm...baby. He may be my best newborn to date. Not only is he cute as a speckled pup (ok, cuter), he did everything I "asked" him to do. I first photographed this family last year, and loved working with them, so I felt honored when they asked me to do this session, especially since they live in Cape Coral and could've hired someone local instead. It was a joy to spend so much time with them and see how their first has grown. I hope they are as happy with the images as I am.

This cradle has been used in her family for four to five generations. Isn't it gorgeous?

This one just cracks me up.

February 09, 2009

Senior H

I was so excited to do this senior session for two reasons - it was in Bradenton, which was a new location and therefore always fun, and because I love to photograph this girl. She was one of the "Sixteen and Sassy" girls from 2007. It was nice to get to know her better, she has a wonderful personality, and a wonderful mom too!

February 05, 2009



I thought this was the perfect choice to kick off my fab finds since Valentine's Day is just around the corner. Ladies, I'm tellin' ya, if you love chocolate, immediately tell your loved one to order this as your gift. Darin went to Tennessee to visit friends a few months back and found this boutique chocolate store in Franklin. He knows I'm crazy about dark chocolate, and since he's crazy about me, he bought me a box. The box alone was fancy, but the contents were almost too pretty to eat. If I would have thought about it for just a moment, I would've gotten the camera out to document the gorgeous display of silky goodness, but there was no "thinking" about it (luckily I pulled the photo off their site). Before me was the most beautiful chocolate I had ever seen, and when the scent reached my nose, I had to taste one. Ah, but which one...there was basil peanut butter, banana cinnamon rum, almond gingerbread, chai...you get the idea. All of them unusual, ALL of them incredible. You must try them. They have new flavors for Valentine's Day, and you can order online...which reminds me - I need to tell Darin that.

This woman is serious about her chocolate.

February 02, 2009

New Year Announcement #2


This is going to be a fun little addition to my blog. Once or twice a month, I will be posting information about something fabulous. It could be a tasty local restaurant, unique gift ideas, fun things to do, or maybe a great beauty secret...ok, a lot of them will be beauty secrets. After all, you want to look fabulous when you hire me, right? Well, if I'm being honest with myself, it's really just an excuse to talk about my product addiction. ;) So look for the "Fab Finds" posts on the fifth and/or fifteen of every month, starting this Thursday!