April 26, 2009

Baby Love

Can you tell how in love these two new parents are with their baby boy? They were so cute with him...kissing, talking, smiling at him...so sweet. And I finally captured the illusive "newborn smile," which made my day. :)


Unknown said...

niko, these are beautiful! i teased you that i stalked your blog, and i have been just to see your baby session i invaded. i'm the crazy girl who introduced myself to you at BG - from one girl with a camera (or two) to another, your work is gorgeous.

Laurel E. Riffey said...

Picked up this months Tampa Bay Parenting Magazine b/c of the picture on the cover! Simply STUNNING! (and I used to suck those two exact fingers when I was little. hehehe :0) So I was drawn to it for that reason as well.) So of course I knew that they photographer had to advertise in the magazine and I had to see who it was! I am also a photographer in the Tampa area. Your work that you have on your blog is AMAZING! Congrats on another cover! You must be quite proud!