December 31, 2008

As 2008 comes to a close...

I just want to thank all of you for your business, your friendship, and for reading my blog. I feel so loved when you mention something you've read here, or show your concern when sad things happen. It seems like these aren't just business relationships we're building, and I'm so thankful for that. I hope all of you had a beautiful Christmas and have an exciting New Year.

Speaking of an exciting new year, please stay tuned as I've got some good stuff brewing!!

I wish you all someone to kiss at midnight...

December 17, 2008

Sad news

I will be out of town for the next few days. My Uncle Randy, who got married in August, lost his battle with cancer this week. He was one of four children, and my mom's "baby brother". He will be greatly missed. I want to remind all of you, especially at this time of year, to hold your loved ones close, enjoy the little things, and as I said before, say what you need to say.

Randy on the right, with his mom and siblings (my mom upper left):

My mom and Randy:

Randy and his new bride, Mary Jo, on their wedding day: