August 23, 2007

Summer Girls

This post is dedicated to "K", "L" and "J" - you three ROCK! I'm so glad you spent the summer here. I had a fabulous time hanging out with you, and now I miss you terribly. The three of you are so sweet and genuine...and an absolute riot!! Thank you so much for this photo shoot. I only have a few images done, but when the rest are finished, I'll be sending prints your way...hmmm...or maybe I'll deliver them personally. ;) Anyway, I hope you love them!

By the way, did you notice the photo in the header?

August 20, 2007

More of Senior "C"

Here is a bigger peek at "C's" senior shoots. We tackled three locations and many wardrobe changes, and had a fabulous time doing it! The resulting images are a great mix of styles, along with a variety of editing techniques. I can't wait to get her proof book to her! (Photos are in three consecutive posts)

More of Senior "C" continued

More of Senior "C" continued 2

August 16, 2007

The Fountain

I've been working on more photos of my senior rep "C". She brought along "A" and they were great together. We got a few shots...then it rained, so we spent some time taking cover, but then we decided to have fun with it and get wet! Thanks, you two, for being such willing models - I love the results.

August 12, 2007

High Contrast

Here's a sneak peek at one of my senior reps. She's Miss "C" and she's gorgeous - inside and out. I have tons of photos to edit for her, but I discovered a new way to create high-contrast black and white, so I'm posting those for everyone to see.

The first is "regular" high-contrast b&w, the second is a warm-tone with selective colorization on the eyes, and the third one I call my "polar tint". These were a lot of fun, and there are so many more ways to alter the look of high-contrast black and whites.

August 11, 2007

My First Post

I'm Niko (soft i, accent on the o, ni-KO). I'm married to my high school sweetheart, and I'm nuts about him. I'm an animal lover, a dancer, a photographer.

I'm a girl of few words - unless, of course, I'm with my girlfriends, then you can't shut me up. Perhaps that's why I'm a photographer. I would rather express myself through images than words. Words are often forgotten, even the sweet ones you try to store forever.
But photographs, they record your memories for you. They write them down, not with words, but with shapes, with shadows...with light. Broken down, the word photography actually means "drawing the light". But I believe photographs do more than draw. They story-tell, they echo with laughter, they write history with more impact than words ever could. This is why I love lifestyle portraiture.

Ok. Enough rambling (few words, huh?).
My first photo post is "N", a high school senior. These are always fun shoots. The seniors get to wear what they want, go where they want (within reason) and have fun with it!

If you want senior pictures that reflect your own style, email me and we can make it happen.