December 02, 2007

My Favorite Family

This wonderful woman and I have been friends since we were 12 years old. She has always been one of my favorite people, and her family was the first I photographed, which inspired me to take this path in life (at the time they had one son and another on the way). I have thoroughly enjoyed watching their sons grow into fine young boys, examples of what committed parenting can accomplish. It has also given me great pleasure to watch her grow into an amazing mother. I was so excited to do this session, and can't wait for the newborn session. What's she having? You'll have to wait and see!


sarah said...

These are beautiful Niko (& Melanie:)) I absolutely love the third of my favorites ever from you. I also love the one with the boys playing in the foreground and what a fun idea for the painted hands!

mr. john said...

Thank you for making me take these photos because these are just great to have because you are only pregnant for such a short time in your life and it is so nice to have these memories. Thank you again for blessing our family with this amazing gift that God gave you. love you Mr. John's wife