January 09, 2009

New Year Announcement #1

NEW CAMERA!!! As many of you know, up until now I've photographed with a film camera, which I still absolutely love. But I knew I needed to switch to digital, I was just waiting for the perfect camera (for me) to be released. Well...my wait is over! I ordered a "hot off the line" Canon...and it's here!

To celebrate, I'm offering HALF-OFF SESSION FEES* from now until March 1st. Please call or email me right away to book your session as my schedule is already pretty tight. I can't wait to play around with it and see all it can do. I've already tested it a little on one of my favorite subjects, and I have to say, I think this camera and I have a long and happy future together. When I saw this photo, I just wanted to hug them both...the camera and my beloved Hydro. ;)

*Some restrictions apply, please call or email for details.


Gluten Free Navigator said...

Looks like the news camera and lens are keepers! AMAZING!

Gluten Free Navigator said...

tee hee... make that NEW... proofreading are my friend! (Got so excited, I forgot myself!)