"A day without laughter is a day wasted." - Charlie Chaplin
Well, if this is true, I can honestly say I haven't wasted a day since we found our way back to each other. You make me laugh everyday, even if it's just a "you're
sooo ridiculous" chuckle, with your wit, charm and antics. You're quite funny (that's your thing, ya know) with your crazy, but dead-on, accents, synonym singing, and endless sarcasm. Oh, and then there's the boyish grin, the way you talk to the dogs when bathing them, and the goofy ways you declare your love for me. These make me giggle, but in a way that leaves me feeling so blessed.
We always had a deep connection. It was apparent in high school, and even though we were apart for 10 years, that connection was still there. The day we got married I felt like I was going home, to a place so familiar, somewhere I was meant to be. I love that I spend my life with someone who knows me to the core, who sees who I truly am, and loves me more because of it, or in spite of it. So on our fifth anniversary, what I thought to be true in high school, I now know with complete certainty...
Nothing compares to you, Darin. Nothing ever will.Our beautiful wedding day, November 15, 2003, at the Belleview Biltmore.

Our amazing honeymoon on the island of Nevis, British West Indies.