It states: "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong." Case in point:
October 2008 - Session scheduled with this family. Days before, one girl gets sick, we go for it anyway. Day of, although we capture some great interaction, the weather proves too windy to get family portraits without hair in eyes and mouth. Had to do a partial re-shoot.
October 16, 2009 - Session scheduled for the beach. Half way there black clouds roll in and it pours. We reschedule for Nov 6th.
November 6 - Both girls are sick, weather isn't great, reschedule for the 8th.
November 8 - Hurricane Ida is making her way up the gulf, but shouldn't affect our weather. On my way to the beach, I get a call that the family will be a little late due to a wardrobe malfunction. I arrive, it's a little windy. A few minutes later, they arrive, it's ridiculously gusty.
Luckily, the girls listened well and I was quick with the shutter, enabling us to capture some moments
between the gusts of Miss Ida. Can't wait to see what happens next year! ;)