UPDATE 6/12 - Well it's been 9 days and he's still in the hospital. They want to make sure they get all that nasty infection out of there before sending him home. Today they said it would be a couple of days, but he's thought he was getting out a couple of times now, so we'll see. Thank you to everyone who has called to check on him, and to all my understanding clients. I'm lucky to have you.
I'm not going to lie, I enjoy giving my husband a hard time about his quirks and strange ways. Our home is not short on sarcasm. One of his quirks is (or used to be...he'll correct me as soon as he reads this) that when he stubs a toe or bangs a knuckle, he exclaims "Ow! I think I broke my toe/finger/other body part!" I used to chalk it up to a low pain tolerance and chuckle or mock him. Well, those days are gone, here's why:
Last Tuesday he developed a stomach ache. It got worse the rest of the week, then better on Sunday and Monday, then worse on Tuesday. Yesterday I convinced him to see a doctor, so we scheduled an appointment for today, but by the time I got home from work yesterday, he needed to go to the hospital. The diagnosis? A ruptured appendix. The solution? Emergency surgery. Ummmm, what??? Not what we were expecting. So when the surgeon comes to see me after the surgery, the first thing he said was "He must be tough!" Apparently it looked like an M-80 went off in his abdomen (doc's words, not mine) and the abscess was quite large. I don't know when it ruptured, and I really don't know how he was functioning through the pain. I do know that he has to stay in the hospital for about five days, so that's where I'll be all weekend...with my Superman.
Here's my tough guy looking rather pitiful today.
I was going to take a picture of the battle wound, but I thought that might be a bit of an overshare. ;)

Love you bunches, babe.